January 15th, 2018 10:13pm
Deities Washed Up In A Sewage Leak
Panda Bear “Part of the Math”
“Part of the Math” is built around a blaring tone that evokes the aesthetics of a loud, overdriven electric guitar without necessarily sounding like it. Panda Bear has done this trick a few times before, and it’s always interesting to me – familiar and alien all at once; a simultaneous embrace and rejection of traditional rock sounds. The rest of the arrangement falls in the same odd zone, with a steady electronic beat and a straight forward and catchy vocal melody both feeling just slightly off-kilter.
This is a great example of what Animal Collective have always done best: Taking bits of pop and rock music that we take for granted and going “hmmm, is there maybe another way of achieving this effect that’d be more interesting?” YouTube is full of cover versions of AnCo songs that all translate the band’s music back into something more normal, and while that can make a good argument in favor of their songwriting, it also highlights the ways they’re always finding a more distinctive and colorful way of articulating themselves.
It’s worth noting that the lyrics of this song take a rather morbid turn about halfway through, just after Panda chastises someone – I assume himself – for “making it all about your shit.” There isn’t a clear narrative here, but it’s interesting to me that his words because more negative and cryptic just after he denies his own feelings or perspective.
Buy it from Amazon.