May 9th, 2017 1:14am
Out Of Ash
Fin “Pike”
I have listened to this closely several times over and I am not fully confident this woman is singing words throughout this song. Well, aside from when she says “no shit” a couple times. That’s totally clear. But regardless of what she may or may not be saying, the repetitive murmuring has a pleasingly hypnotic effect. Fin’s approach to layering beats, synths, and vocal parts is rather similar to that of Grimes, but trades off Claire Boucher’s typically bratty/perky tone for a more subdued and vaguely mystical vibe. “Pike” sounds like it could plausibly be music associated with some techno-utopian cult, or what might happen if you asked a computer program to create spiritual dance music. The track has the feeling of not quite being something or somewhere, but knowing that it must be something and somewhere.
Buy it from Bandcamp.