November 30th, 2016 1:17pm
Ain’t Worth The Psychic Disease
Monomyth “Re: Lease Life (Place 2 Go)”
“Re: Lease Life” is a modern twist on up-tempo Velvet Underground songs like “What Goes On” and “Rock & Roll” – the tone is the very similar, but the stakes of the lyrics are totally different, with Monomyth leaning into the “write what you know” axiom by just singing about being a broke indie rocker in Canada. The music has a nice slackness to it without getting sloppy, and as banal as the subject matter can be, they capture a feeling caught in some awkward space between laziness and restlessness very well. I’m particularly fond of the shift into the refrain – “the first snow of the year / and I notice that you’re not here” – where everything suddenly gets a bit more tight and crisp for a few melancholy moments before shrugging back into the groove.
Buy it from Amazon.