January 5th, 2016 1:17pm
Too Scared To Leave
Thao and the Get Down Stay Down “Nobody Dies”
The rhythms in “Nobody Dies” are steady and strong but feel a bit loose and rickety all the same, like it’s just a bunch of scaffolding keeping Thao Nguyen’s voice aloft in a place where it probably shouldn’t be. And that suits the theme of the song rather well – she’s singing about the bravery that comes from not even thinking about impending disaster, and how that is both exciting and foolish. And selfish too, because risk often involves other people too. I love the instrumental bridge near the end – the solo is all shaky treble that doesn’t quite flow. That section is like a tightrope walk, and those high frequencies feel like nerves. It’s the most thrilling part of the song, but it’s over very quickly.
Buy it from iTunes.