November 18th, 2013 2:47pm

Rules You Never Told Me

Paul McCartney “Queenie Eye”

Paul McCartney is so good that a late period record like New, which comes over 30 years past his prime as an artist and is only a little better than his past few solo records, still is drastically better than most every pop-rock album released in the same year. “Queenie Eye,” a cut produced by Paul Epworth, is particularly great and comes off like the sort of McCartney tune that Noel Gallagher has been trying to write since the mid-90s. The amazing – and maybe vexing? – thing about McCartney is how easy it all seems to him, like he’s just been walking around for five decades looking at everyone else and wondering why they don’t get this cosmic secret of pop that he’s just intuitively grasped since he was a teenager. I think a lot of effort went into making “Queenie Eye” sound fantastic, but I can’t shake the feeling that this is what just flows out of McCartney when he’s not even trying too hard. I’m in awe of that sort of thing.

Buy it from Amazon.

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