December 15th, 2003 12:42am

Fasten Those Pants For The Lapdance

Scissor Sisters “Take Your Mama Out” – This is one of the three new Scissor Sisters songs which have leaked thanks to a promo EP containing songs from their forthcoming debut album on Polydor. Of the three new songs, “Take Your Mama Out” is the most surprising – it sounds like early Elton John doing a soul version of a Shania/country-pop kind of song. It probably sounds like it wouldn’t work in print, but it fits in rather well with their campy 70s pop aesthetic. Also available via our friends at Enthusiastic But Mediocre is an mp3 of the peculiar “Tits On The Radio.” There’s something vaguely creepy and unsettling about that song, particularly in the tempo and cadence of the female singer’s voice. It’s not far off from Beck’s “Get Real Paid,” but it’s far more sinister than sexy.

The Von Bondies “C’mon C’mon” – Though I cannot claim that this song has brought me to the same heights of ecstacy as it obviously has for others, I can say that I think this song is quite a lot of fun. Frankly, if this doesn’t become a hit in 2004, I will be very shocked. “C’mon C’mon,” like Blur’s “Song 2,” The White Stripes “Fell In Love With A Girl,” and The Hives “Hate To Say I Told You So” before it, is the kind of modern rock song that’s all about sweeping up the listener in its own momentum. The content of the song is almost totally irrelevant – it’s all about creating that ghost sensation of being pushed forwards at about a hundred miles per hour. It’s a rush; pop music as a theme park ride. (Or maybe x-treme sports, I don’t know. I’ve never really done anything very “x-treme” aside from drinking Gatorade. )

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