February 20th, 2009 9:19am
Get Out Of Here, Scram!
Apollo Ghosts “Ghost, Get Out Of My Apartment”
Though it comes as no surprise that a song about a guy bitching out a passive-aggressive, voyeuristic apparition would be more than a little goofy, it is something of a revelation that it would also be quite tender and moving. Even when paired with a sad, creaky guitar part that sounds as though it was lifted from some almost-familiar record from 50 years ago, the singer’s silliness on the verses doesn’t quite prepare you for the sweetness and aching sincerity in his voice on the chorus, which soars just when you expect him to go flat and understated. The genuine, slightly pained emoting opens the song up a bit, and draws out its subtext — sure, he could be going for the literal here, but it seems a bit more plausible that the ghosts haunting the singer are more along the lines of unpleasant memories and emotional baggage from his past.
Listen to the entire album on the MBV site, and then buy it directly from the band.