August 13th, 2003 1:51pm

Hey Straight Yr Always Too Late

Junior Senior “Chicks And Dicks” – Ah yes, undiluted joycore. “Move Your Feet” seems like such a one-hit-wonder kind of song, but hopefully this one can at least be a minor hit before the Junior Senior thing runs its course. And I don’t mean that in a dismissive way at all, the ephemeral nature of novelty dance pop is kinda beautiful and poetic in its own way. I should mention that the entire album is consistently fun and catchy, it’s actually one of the best albums that I’ve heard from this year.

Herbie Hancock “All Apologies” – When I returned home on Monday, overcome with the feeling that what I was returning to was not much of a home at all, I sat down at my computer. The computer seemed awkward and vaguely alien to me, which is bizarre considering how much time I’ve spent with it and that I was only away from it for eight days. I scanned through my mp3s, and this was the first thing I played. I’m not sure why I chose it, I just did. And it felt exactly right. “All Apologies” is my favorite Nirvana song, hands down. This version retains the song’s gorgeous melody, but tones down the pathos, while still keeping the general emotional tone intact. In this version, it’s less of a resigned suicide note, and more of a frustrated shrug.

I feel a lot different after my trip. I’m not very willing to talk about personal issues here, but I can say that right now I feel a lot more focused on what I want in my life, and I’m determined enough now that I’m willing to get over a lot of stupid fears in order to get what I want. One of those fears is asking people for help. I definitely need help, especially in the short term. So I’m asking all of you: I need money. I need a job. Preferably a steady job, but little jobs here and there would be fine as long as they pay me. If anyone reading this can help me out, I promise to make it up to you someday. Please bear in mind that it would have to be something in the NYC metro area, or something I could do from my house. I’m not expecting much from this, but it’s worth a shot, right?

I’ve got some experience with writing, secretarial/clerical office work, limited design experience, and a lot of experience with photography. I have a BFA from Parsons School Of Design/New School University. I’ve had experience working as a teacher’s assistant, which included doing some research, and lecturing a class of college students. I can write press releases and other similar kinds of copy with relative ease. I’m pretty good at writing about dry or complex things in an easy-to-read and layperson-friendly manner. I’m very knowledgeable in a number of areas, a lot of which I never really write about on this blog. I’ve been doing a lot of volunteer work with WFMU whenever I can over the past year, and that’s given me some more experience with a lot miscellaneous office-centric work. I think I can be helpful in a lot of ways. If you can help, please email me. The email address is on the bottom of the links column on the right of the screen.

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