July 14th, 2003 3:48pm

“The Laws Have Changed” Video = Joycore Manifesto?

“Come and return to the world. Indulge yourself until pleasure sickens you. Then you will be near me.”

I think it very well may be my new favorite music video. On one hand, it’s this clever narrative about a St. Anthony-style ascetic being brought into an idealized sexy Western youth culture, and on the other, it’s just a bunch of cute mod people dancing.

Break The Twelve-String Acoustic To Pieces For Firewood

It’s Scott Miller day here at Fluxblog. Miller is one of the great, criminally underrated songwriters of the 80s and 90s. Miller enjoyed some minor degree of college radio success during the 80s with his first band Game Theory, but has been sinking deeper into obscurity with each passing release. He has recently retired from music and broke up his second band, the Loud Family, mainly due to frustration in finding an audience for his music. For some reason, Miller’s music is something of a hard sell because his music tends to be too strange, wordy, obtuse, and erudite for mainstream audiences; and on the other hand, his music is often too polished, glossy, and clean to appeal to many indie rock fans. Miller, in finding some kind of middle ground between intellectual artiness and a slick pop sensibility ends up becoming less accessable than far more severe music. But please do give Miller a chance – no powerpop fan should be without at least a couple of his records in their collection.

Game Theory “Nine Lives To Rigel Five” – from Distortion, 1984.

Loud Family “Inverness” – from Plants And Birds And Rocks And Things, 1993.

Loud Family “Sodium Laureth Sulfate” – from Interbabe Concern, 1996.

Loud Family “Businessmen Are Okay” – from Days For Days, 1998.

Loud Family “720 Times Happier Than The Unjust Man” – from Attractive Nuisance, 2000.

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