June 30th, 2011 1:00am

Another Bee’s Been In That Honey

Lloyd featuring Andre 3000 and Lil Wayne “Dedication to My Ex (Miss That)”

When Lloyd was recording this, it must have crossed his mind at least once that if Cee Lo could score a smash hit with a song called “Fuck You,” he may as well push the envelope for vulgarity and create an equally irresistible neo-soul song that repeats the word “pussy” a couple hundred times in four minutes. Cee Lo cleaned up his song by switching the title phrase to “Forget You,” which barely makes sense. I figure Lloyd can swap out “pussy” for “lovin'” and the song will still mean the same thing. (I’m not sure what he can do about the verse in which he describes the fit of his ex’s vagina in graphic detail, though.)

There’s a lot of angst in this track, but it’s comical. Even though Lloyd’s lyrics are all about getting mad at his girlfriend for cheating on him, I don’t really pick up on negative vibes when I hear this song. The music and his voice mostly conveys a deep thrill, like he’s focused all of the song’s power into communicating just how amazing and satisfying it was to have sex with her. It’s like the song is his way of getting back to that feeling.

Also, bonus points to Andre 3000 for dropping the phrase “Uncanny X-Men” into his verse.

Buy it from Amazon.

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