June 15th, 2011 1:00am
A Hungry Soul Like Mine
Sebadoh “Punching Myself in the Face Repeatedly, Publicly”
1. “I was “way into” Tara [Jane O’Neil] from Rodan and followed her around smitten for a while until she remembered that she was a lesbian. Oops.” – Jason Loewenstein, in the liner notes to the reissue of Bakesale.
2. It’s pretty obvious that this title was applied retroactively. Even if I didn’t know that this song is being addressed to a lesbian and that things definitely didn’t work out, there is no way I could listen to this earnest outpouring of crushed-out enthusiasm without knowing that the singer is doomed, doomed, doomed. It’s not that he’s got a crush — obviously that works out for people. It’s in what he says, how he says it. All the signs are there but he’s blind to it, even though the lyrics indicate some degree of self-awareness. I recognize too much in this song; listening to it is like watching a horror movie.
3. Or maybe it’s more like reading someone’s email. It’s so specific, so naked. I feel like I’m invading his privacy by listening.
4. What really makes this compelling is how nervous and excited he sounds. It’s all so genuine. I just listen to this and think “Noooooooo, Jason, nooooooo!”
Buy it from Amazon.