November 17th, 2009 10:04am

I Have All The Colors

Felix “You Are The One I Pick”

There is a distinct Moon Pix thing happening in this song, not simply in that Lucinda Chua’s voice somewhat recalls that of Chan Marshall, but in that it evokes the same sort of sad grey emptiness. There’s no solid center to the composition, and though the melodic lines that seem to float through the piece have rich, distinct tones, they sound as though they’ve been whittled down from thick branches to brittle twigs. This is pensive, lovely stuff; elliptical in structure and muted in emotional tone. The title is decisive and declarative, and though the lyrics express clear desire, the music is far more tentative. It’s not a question of commitment — this is more about putting what you want up against the probability of actually getting it, and shrinking a bit when your chances don’t look too great.

Buy it from Amazon.

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