August 21st, 2008 1:04pm
The Thrill Of It
Empire of the Sun “Walking On A Dream” – The groove is gentle, and the tones are clean, cool, and relaxed, but there’s a bit of reckless, fiery passion in “Walking On A Dream.” It’s in the voice, and it’s in the way the piece gradually gathers momentum, but it’s all held in check. It’s a bottled id, repressed just enough to serve as fuel for the singer’s ambition. The song is all anticipation and reflection, but the real thrill of it is the feeling of casual confidence that permeates the track. It’s a real “what, me worry?” sort of thing, and it’s easy to pick up a bit of that by osmosis. I don’t think this song is about feeling as though the future is guaranteed, but more that it’s there for the taking. (Click here for the Empire of the Sun MySpace page.)