October 18th, 2007 1:24pm
It Takes A Lifetime
Sissy Wish “Beauties Never Die” – It’s not necessarily our responsibility to make sure that our partners and loved ones are happy, but it is often what we desire and set out to accomplish. I mean, that’s what love really is, right? Support, affection, being there. That’s what this song is about — “it takes some time to build you up and make you happy every day.” It’s effort, it’s perseverance, it’s the emotional investment. It’s the disappointment of feeling like you’re failing someone even when there’s only so much you can do to lift someone up if they’re depressed, stressed, sick, or otherwise troubled. There’s no self-pity in this song, no sense that the singer feels martyred or put-upon. It’s all love. Quiet, gentle love. (Click here to buy it from House of Telle.
Elsewhere: My penultimate Hit Refresh column is up on the ASAP site with mp3s from Iron & Wine, Anna Järvinen, and Grizzly Bear.