October 17th, 2007 12:44pm

The Sounds Would Echo Forever

Hot Springs “38th Adventure” – True to its title, “38th Adventure” is filled with romance, excitement, and danger, but from the perspective of its eccentric character, it’s just everyday life. It’s hard to get over the singer’s sense of awe in this song — she seems so impressed by this strange bohemian quasi-hobo girl, and not necessarily in a condescending “oh, you live closer to the earth, you’re the one who has really got this figured out” sort of way. It’s more like she just envies the courage it takes to live a life of constant risk, and is taking inspiration from her rather than getting down on herself, or seeking to directly emulate this woman’s lifestyle. The song itself is rather odd, sounding somewhat like The Strokes fronted by a drunken woman doing a slightly-off Bjork impression. It maybe shouldn’t work, but it falls together nicely. (Click here to buy it from Aquarius Records.)

Elsewhere: Mike Barthel presents a pictorial review of Anton Corbijn’s Ian Curtis biopic Control.

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