April 2nd, 2007 12:58pm
"You Can’t Do This," I Said "I Can Too"
The Field “Everday” – Contrary to what you may have read elsewhere, the Field’s creative process may be the least interesting thing about his music, unless you’re the sort of person who would rather watch a tedious documentary about special effects than an actual movie. The lesser tracks on From Here We Go Sublime foreground the artist and his tools, but the ones that are actually, y’know, sublime, evoke a vague, context-free experience. “Everday” is all beauty and nondescript pleasure, its sound signifying an overwhelming abundance of stimulation and absolutely nothing at all, like being bathed in light while keeping your eyes closed tight. You feel the warmth, and the light penetrates the cells of your eyelids, but you’re purposefully holding yourself back from the full sensation. (Click here to buy it from Amazon.)
Elsewhere: Because I am a ridiculous man, I recently began work on another blog called Pop Songs 07. The premise of the site is very simple — I am going to write an entry about every song on every R.E.M. album, plus a handful of notable non-album tracks. (“The Great Beyond,” “Romance,” “Revolution,” “It’s A Free World, Baby,” you get the idea.) As of this writing, I’ve already written an entry about one track from each record except for Murmur and Lifes Rich Pageant. I’m going to be covering the songs in arbitrary order based on whatever ideas hit me first, and the site will not be on a strict schedule — ie, some weeks I might do eight or nine entries, and in others I might only do one, or none. It’s basically a side-project and a formal challenge for myself, and I have no idea how long it might take me to get through all the tracks, though I promise that I’ll eventually get to all of them.