March 28th, 2024 1:29am

4 Months Apart In The Same Bed

Crumb “Amama”

That bright trebly sound in “Amama” is not guitar, it’s electric sitar. It’s not played in a way that screams “you’re listening to a sitar,” which I find it usually the case with the instrument, but it’s definitely apparent once you know what it is. It sounds like Lila Ramani is transposing a regular guitar part to the sitar, so you don’t get a big drone but you do get this wobbly haze of very high pitched notes. That ultra high end is very pronounced in contrast with Jesse Brotter’s bass, which bounces off a particularly funky groove by drummer Jonathan Gilad. Like a lot of the best Crumb songs, it really moves while also feeling very stoned and zoned out. Ramani’s lyrics aren’t super legible in the mix, but they’re quite good – a little story about falling in love with someone who’s only ever too close or too far away.

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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