July 20th, 2023 8:23pm

Right Now That’s What I Want

Disclosure “Higher Than Ever Before”

It’s not too surprising to me that Disclosure would mess around with drum-and-bass breakbeats given that they’re essentially dance music scholars with a gift for emulating different styles, and that they certainly get that this style of drum programming is back in fashion. The surprising thing to me is more in how they did it. “Higher Than Ever Before” has a strong modern psychedelia vibe to it, a sound Philip Sherburne described as “What might a golden-age jungle remix of Tame Impala sound like?” I think that’s a very accurate read, though I’d say it’s more like if The Chemical Brothers made a “Setting Sun” based on The Slow Rush instead of “Tomorrow Never Knows.” In any case, there are some truly ecstatic moments in this song and I’d love for them to do some music in this lane.

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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