April 20th, 2023 6:15pm
Endless Ecstasy Craving
Little Dragon “Slugs of Love”
I like the lyrical idea of writing about a search for love, lust, and joy and having it personified by slugs, a humble and kinda gross creature that it’s hard for humans to relate to in terms of biology. It’s easy to imagine being a dog, a cat, a monkey, or a bird, but a slug? There’s not a lot of shared attributes there. But in the context of this song focusing on the humble and the gross is part of the idea, to bring it down to earth so much that you’re just this slimy thing crawling around, devoid of any majesty or grandeur. But that’s the freedom of being weird and silly, right? It’s a very childlike and playful song, one that bounces on a punky groove and adds a little bit of dubby echo to bits of the vocal for a little style and spice.
Buy it from Bandcamp.