November 14th, 2022 10:25pm

You Might Get Obsessed

Muni Long “Crack”

Songs like “Crack” are annoying to write about because I will feel like a dork no matter what angle I take in describing or even acknowledging the very explicit lyrics. I figure pure descriptive bluntness is the best path: This is a song in which a woman tells her new partner that they’re about to become hopelessly addicted to her pussy. It’s been done before, but Muni Long nails the tone by dialing it in to about 70% confident sexuality and 30% subtle vulnerability. The latter comes through more in musical moves and Long’s phrasing, these little touches that indicate some lightly percolating fears – Is she overselling this? Will they agree with her assessment of her skills? Does she seem desperate? But none of that is close enough to the surface to undermine the overt sexiness of the song, it’s all just layered in to make it feel human.

Buy it from Amazon.

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