April 15th, 2022 1:38am
That’s More My Tempo
Keshi “Limbo”
The first third of “Limbo” is a delicate and meditative sequence in which Keshi sings wordlessly in a gorgeous falsetto over very gentle acoustic guitar and piano. It opens the song in a very placid sort of melancholy before the beat comes in and his vocal switches into a semi-rapped cadence, and he starts laying out exactly why he’s so upset. It’s a little like spotting a guy brooding on his own, and then going up to him like “hey, you want to talk about it?” Keshi really lets it all out here – mostly he’s wrestling with competing feelings of hyper-confidence and self-loathing, and struggling with a drinking problem that he doesn’t seem to have fully treated just yet. The best part of the song is when he switches back to pure singing for a post-chorus hook where he admits “this is all that I am, I only show you the best of me.” But of course, in writing and singing this song he’s allowing himself to show the mess in his life while still holding on to grace and beauty.
Buy it from Amazon.