November 25th, 2020 6:01pm
All This Male Noise
Overcoats “Apathetic Boys”
“Apathetic Boys” is perky electro-rock song by a duo of young women that roasts dull and condescending indie guys, and claims some power and agency by declaring these men entirely irrelevant. It reminds me quite a bit of another song by a female duo that I wrote up here 15 years ago called “Indie Boys (Don’t Deserve It)” by the Queens of Noize. They are both aggressive but tongue-in-cheek songs about the same sort of guys, but the differences between the songs say a lot about their respective eras.
The Queens of Noize track is extremely mid-00s – very rooted in the British landfill indie scene of the day, and borne of the self-consciously raunchy and bratty post-Vice aesthetic. They acknowledge the sexual impropriety of the indie boys but make a joke of it – “coppin’ a feel, now you got a record deal” – and the best they can do to shame them for it is to say a snarky line like “it’ll still take a sack of pills to get laid.”
Overcoats’ song is quite obviously the product of the late ‘10s – the humor is less bawdy but more trollish, full of little jabs meant to evoke a “U mad?” response. Whereas the Queens of Noize admit to some measure of lust for these dopey rock guys, Overcoats express a casual meme-ified misandry and seem fully repulsed by these guys’ apathy and lack of imagination. But they arrrive at a better place by the end – instead of shrugging these guys off and bitterly accepting “how things are,” “Apathetic Boys” suggests a path forward entirely free of this element.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to another one of these in 10-15 years. It’s not as though the apathetic indie boys are going to start deserving it any time soon.
Buy it from Bandcamp.