November 12th, 2020 2:59am
Take The World Away
Kylie Minogue “Miss A Thing”
It’s rather commonplace for songs to be put together in remote sessions now, even before it was fully necessitated by quarantine lockdowns, but even still knowing this particular song was made this way makes it feel a little more poignant. It’s a disco song for a world without discotheques, elaborately produced with an imaginary string section and a thumping bass line that will mostly just be heard on tinny laptop speakers and earbuds. It’s far from the only song robbed of its deserved context in 2020, but because it was made under these circumstances the song itself seems to know that it’s thwarted, and even as Kylie Minogue sings it like any other pop song her emphasis on moving quickly as not to miss anything suggests she was very much thinking about time running out for all sorts of ordinary joys. It’s basically a very “carpe diem” sort of song, but with a very acute sense of the clock running down on that diem.
Buy it from Amazon.