October 21st, 2005 1:48pm

Who Gives A Damn About The Prophets Of Tesco?

Franz Ferdinand “The Fallen” – It’s a good thing that I have a site like this so that I can shed some light on obscure artists such as Franz Ferdinand, U2, and Fiona Apple. Who knows how you might find out about these hidden gems any other way, right? (I kid, Sony and Interscope!) My feeling for Franz Ferdinand has been consistently lukewarm in spite of some sharp singles, but this is the first song in their catalog that I can say that I love without hesitation or qualification. Though twitchy funk is their bread and butter, I definitely prefer them with their Franz-o-meter set to Ultra-Jaunt, which makes them sound vaguely like late period Grant Lee Buffalo decked out in Dior. (Trust me on this, or check the used bins for a copy of Jubilee.) The lyrics conflating Jesus H. Christ and Tyler Durden only sweeten the deal, really. Nicely done, boys. (Click here to buy it from Insound.)

Jarvis Cocker “This Is The Night” – Jarvis Cocker and Harry Potter are an inspired match, and it’s not just due to the obvious resemblence. Thumbs up to whoever it was at J.K. Rowling Inc. that tapped him (and some members of Radiohead) for this soundtrack. The lyrics seems to be sung from Harry’s perspective, but I prefer to think of it as being a song that Harry would deeply relate to (you know, one of those songs where every single line seems to directly refer to something going on in your life) and play on repeat while moping around the Hogwarts campus. (Click here to pre-order it from Amazon.)

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