August 11th, 2005 2:25pm
I’m Not A Piece Of Meat, Stimulate My Brain
Sara Jorge “Dirty Business” – I’m curious as to whether or not this song was written with Kylie in mind. It seems like it would have been a pretty good fit, and Jorge’s vocal similarity to Ms. Minogue only reinforces that notion. The track is elegant and sleek, so much so that it seems to be the entire point of its existence. It has this way of making me feel very poor when I listen to it, which is maybe a peculiar thing to get out of something that I definitely enjoy. (Click here for the official Sara Jorge site.)
Clea “We Don’t Have To Take Our Clothes Off” – It’s not entirely clear on why this group of British televised singing-contest also-rans decided to resurrect Jermaine Stewart’s pro-abstinence (and cherry wine) anthem, but the kitsch-loving part of me cannot possibly complain, especially since the song has a special place in my heart after it was immortalized in this Failed Pilot phone prank by Andy Earles. It’s a great pop song, but it seems like such a random thing to cover, especially with this sort of earnestness. (Click here for the official Clea site and here to buy the Just Farr A Laugh cd from Failed Pilot.)