January 27th, 2025 2:44am

No Intention To Hurt

Snapped Ankles “Raoul”

After listening to this song twice I knew I had to immediately pass it along to my friend Chris. Chris pretty much only likes music that goes hard. He recently said “my lack of tolerance for music that doesn’t slap will sometimes isolate me” because he had to turn down going to a Waxahatchee show on account of their total inability to slap. Chris loves post-punk, and he loves DFA. He loves synthesizers and songs where you get both the unforgiving lockstep of a drum machine and the physicality of live drums. He loves an intense guy singing, or even better, speak-singing. And yes, he loved this song.

Buy it from Bandcamp.

Thandii “Past”

There is no getting around how much this song sounds like Portishead. Like, it’s the main selling point. I always feel a bit guilty describing an artist’s music in terms of how much it sounds like someone else, but in this case I’m almost certain that “sounding like Portishead” was the goal, from the groove on up to the vocal performance. But here’s the important thing: This is a good Portishead song. If Portishead were to return after many, many years of silence with this song, people would be pretty happy with it. And that’s a pretty high bar to clear!

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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