December 17th, 2024 3:56pm

Shadow of Shadows Spare the Dawn

Elysian Fields “I Can Give You That”

“I can give you that, I can give you that…please take it,” Jennifer Charles sings in the chorus of this song, sounding sultry and sad but a little serene, like a middle point on a spectrum of vocal affect between her contemporary Hope Sandoval and Lana Del Rey. And what is that? Judging by the verses, in which she zooms out and gets broadly philosophical about intimacy and zooms in on the granular details of a sensual existence, “that” is pretty much everything. The good, the bad, the boring, and the unexpected. All the rewards and perils of true vulnerability and risk. “I Can Give You That” is romantic but also noticeably weary, coming from the perspective of someone who seems to have already experienced all the best and the worst and is willing to roll the dice all over again.

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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