October 25th, 2024 8:32am

No Longer Godless

Cameron Winter “Vines”

Cameron Winter’s first solo single outside of Geese isn’t just a Geese song released under his own name. It’s also not solo in the sense of him just making music with some other musicians. He sounds solitary and isolated on “Vines,” like he’s responding to the absence of bandmates. The palette is sparse, just his voice, his piano, and a string arrangement that kicks in midway through to add a touch of poignancy and miserable grandeur. But the song is really about Winter’s voice – all raw nerves and unfiltered emotion, soulfully undisciplined, unabashedly dramatic and romantic, but with just a little bit of a smirk. The lyrics are direct and a little brutal, he sounds like he’s spilling his guts about the most fraught relationship in his life. But there’s also just enough ambiguity that it’s unclear who that might be – I wouldn’t blame anyone for reading this as a romantic song, but there’s some lines that make me think this is more about parents.

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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