September 20th, 2024 2:55am
There Is No Heaven When I’m Not With You
Daniela Andrade “Biking”
The keyboard and percussion parts the verses of “Biking” are so soft and subtle that it sounds like they’re nervously and very carefully tip-toeing around the vocal. This suits the lyrics perfectly, as Daniela Andrade is essentially confessing that she’s in love. She’s addressing the “you” that she’s fallen for, but I think a lot of the lines are really about her processing the emotions and being honest with herself. She pushes back against the parts of herself that might be skeptical or embarrassed – “it sounds so needy, but yes, I need you” – and admits that being terrified about this relationship actually feels good somehow. Andrade allows the fear and the elation to sharply contrast but also swirl together and blur as the song moves along. It ends up sounding more lovely than angst-ridden once you reach the ending, which is what you’d hope for in a situation like this.
Buy it from Bandcamp.