August 23rd, 2024 2:15am
Is It The Future Or Past Tomorrow?
Flying Lotus “Garmonbozia”
I’m sure a lot of people would be pretty excited for all the Twin Peaks references in this new Flying Lotus song, but my interest is mainly in the track’s weird, sluggish energy. The keyboard and drum machines sounds feel weirdly…meaty? Like wet meat slowing slapping, vulgar but abstract. I can see why Flying Lotus’ mind went to Twin Peaks here – the music is surreal and vaguely upsetting in a way that’s difficult to articulate, but there’s also a touch of the affected romanticism of David Lynch’s work
Buy it from Bandcamp.
Osees “Drug City”
The conceit of SORCS 80 is that it’s an Oh Sees record with no guitar on it. This isn’t such a wild idea, since John Dwyer has done some guitar-free synth-focused music in the past, but I think the key point here is that it’s a very much an Oh Sees record in form and function. “Drug City” may not have any guitar on the track, but it’s basically a rock song where layers of synths, keyboards, and saxophones are all simultaneously bashing out a simple caveman riff that could just as well be played on a guitar. I love the button-mashing feel of the song with all those instruments slamming down on that riff – it’s so blaring and brutal, borderline obnoxious, but in a good punk way.
Buy it from Bandcamp.