June 27th, 2024 7:18pm

Spiralling Is What I Do

Suki Waterhouse “Supersad”

I was a little wary of the title “Supersad” because I’m exhausted by young musicians fetishizing depression or making it sort of cutesy, but as it turns out Suki Waterhouse is sprinting in the opposite direction in this song. She’s basically talking herself out of panic and catastrophic thinking, pushing herself to gain perspective, and declaring in the chorus “there’s no point in being supersad.” It’s mental health pop, sure, but it doesn’t have the stink of someone trying to be relatable. It’s more about catharsis, and probably on Waterhouse’s end of things, realizing that if she sings these words enough times over a driving New Order type beat, she might fully internalize the sentiment.

Buy it from Amazon.

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