June 3rd, 2024 7:12pm
Awkward Moments With Strangers In The Dark
Apifera “Theodor Marmalade”
The lyrics of “Theodor Marmalade” boil down to a story about a guy who yearns to get away from people, so he embraces a life of isolation that makes him want to be among people again. The grass is always greener, and so on. The character overcorrects to extremes while the music sounds like it’s trying to find balance and equilibrium. The main guitar groove sounds like it’s cautiously tip-toeing through the song, the vocals are just above a whisper, and the percussion moves without any clutter or clatter. This strikes me as the work of a band where everyone involved was probably obsessed with Radiohead’s In Rainbows as a teenager – you get that same sense of space and restraint, but with the drama dialed down a lot.
Buy it from Bandcamp.