January 1st, 2024 4:55pm

What A Name Meant

Lael Neale “In Verona”

“In Verona” is, among other things, a song about how difficult it can be to comprehend the full expanse of history and one’s place in a story that sprawls out in every direction. Lael Neale sings this song as though she’s reciting notes she scrawled out in a notebook while visiting Verona in chronological order, connecting the dots between thoughts she had in the moment and where those led her up to that point. She lets you hear the process of making those connections, but doesn’t spell anything out for you. A lot of it isn’t even full thoughts. It mostly feels like she’s stopping to appreciate little moments when some object or notion resonated deeply, whether by recognizing something from her life or being struck by something from the past that seems totally alien.

The song moves at a brisk walking pace, with piano chords circling the center of the mix like a hypno-spiral. The accompaniment gets more soaring and dramatic, but there’s no rhythmic catharis. You steadily move ahead for eight minutes, passing through inclines, epiphanies, storms, and little moments of grace, and eventually you stop at some mysterious destination.

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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