January 5th, 2024 2:06pm

It Looks Good On Paper

Courting “Emily G”

You know Babe Ruth’s famous “called shot,” when he pointed to center field while at bat and then hit a home run to that part of the field? I like to think Courting did something like that before writing this song, but the gesture was indicating “we’re gonna write our own ‘Mr. Brightside.’” But y’know, better. “Emily G” is a portrait of a guy who can’t get over missing his shot with a woman who’s become famous, and in a moment of desperation reaches out to reconnect but she’s moved on and settled down. Sad, sure, but the potent emotional charge here is in the way he clings to this memory of her as a way of reminding himself that he once had proximity to her glamour and beauty. It’s not about her, really, it’s about trying to preserve a sense of potential in his life even after the window for those possibilities are probably closed forever unless he changes something.

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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