December 19th, 2022 9:07pm

Cut With A Different Scissor

Little Simz “Gorilla”

I didn’t realize that this new Little Simz record was entirely co-written and produced by Inflo of Sault at first, but I did notice the loose and organic sound of the music, which often comes close to the sound The Roots get when approximating studio-centric rap aesthetics as a live band. This is a perfect sound for Simz – the tight pocket sound matches the discipline of her writing and the “live” feel highlights the raw presence of her performances. “Gorilla” has classic rap aesthetics but is skewed by Simz and Inflo’s particular finesse. It sounds a million miles away from most anything else going on in mainstream rap but doesn’t strike me as either contrarian or conservative, just two artists clicking together and feeling totally comfortable in who they are and what they do. It’s defiant yet laid back, and reminds me a bit of how in her prime Lauryn Hill could sound like she was chastising the listener while also conveying that she was entirely above the fray.

Buy it from Amazon.

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