November 7th, 2022 9:33pm

Crimsons Skies Disguise A Dying Flame

MorMor “Days End”

The first half of “Days End” makes MorMor sound like he’s dwarfed by the sound, as though he’s crawling through some huge tunnel of bass groove and percussion, singing out his angst only to have it echo off the walls back at him. That all drops out for the second half in which it’s just him and layers of ambient keyboards – he sounds free, he sounds like he’s singing directly into your ear, but he still sounds trapped in his feelings. The temperature of the song shifts along with the implied space of it, the warmth of all that bass replaced by the chill of the keyboard tones. There’s a before/after thing going on here too, the lyrics suggesting the that second half is where he lands once he accepts the person he’s singing to has truly left him. It sounds like a very lonely sort of freedom.

Buy it from Amazon.

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