October 28th, 2020 11:50pm

Half Of Me Is Ocean, Half Of Me Is Sky

Tom Petty “Walls” (Live)

“Walls” is a song that exists in a limbo zone between a relationship falling apart and fully moving on from it. It’s part of an emotional journey but only just the longest, most boring part of the trip, like indefinitely cruising down a featureless interstate of the soul. This sort of thing but be tedious in fiction but it’s perfect for a song, particularly one like this that so perfectly evokes an emotional palette with well-mixed shades of ennui, regret, bitterness, and affection.

Tom Petty’s lyrics strive towards a warm-hearted clarity, like he’s just trying to be reasonable and patient as he processes it all. But the song resists its own attempts to put feelings in perspective – sure, some days are diamonds and some days are rocks, but that’s just what you say in the verses. The real feeling of the song is in that simple, beautiful chorus where he can’t quite get over this person with a heart so big it could crush this town, and he has to admit that one way or another he’s gonna crumble along with all those walls.

Buy the Wildflowers box set from Amazon.

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