December 13th, 2019 12:34pm

Ego Is Not Your Friend

Kaytranada featuring Kali Uchis “10%”

It’s slightly odd to me that when given this prime Katranada groove – so densely programmed but somehow quite airy! – Kali Uchis wrote a song about behind-the-scenes music industry shenanigans and haggling for cuts, but I guess you gotta write what you know. But still, it’s very incongruous to have this very sensuous composition as the backdrop for a sentiment so sour and score-settling even if she’s probably correct to be demanding her fair share and, of course, there’s more than enough love and sex songs in the world. In this context Uchis’ words start to fit into a more romantic narrative, with “where’s my 10%?” seeming like a more interpersonal audit for attention, effort, and emotional investment.

Buy it from Amazon.

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