April 10th, 2019 2:02am

They Can’t Gentrify The Heart Of Kings

Anderson Paak “King James”

“King James” is a funky, joyful ode to Lebron James, but not so much for his performance on the basketball court, but rather for his philanthropic efforts. I don’t doubt Anderson Paak’s earnestness here – his voice is passionate and earnest, his heart is very much in the right place – but it does feel a little like he’s ingratiating himself and trying to score free courtside season tickets. Frankly, he should get them! This is one of Paak’s best compositions, and James should feel endlessly flattered to be the basis for something so effortlessly groovy that takes his good works the basis for a bigger statement about community and solidarity. Paak’s doing his best to work up to the level of Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder here, and with this track, he’s as close to that target as you could hope to get.

Buy it from Amazon.

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