November 2nd, 2018 5:15am
How The Noises Stopped
Ian Sweet “Question It”
It’s hard to get a sense of what the feeling of “Question It” is, exactly, but I think that’s probably the point. Jilian Medford’s voice seems a bit timid and uncertain, and while the structure is a straight-ahead verse/chorus/verse, her guitar parts seem to slink around and coil up in a way that makes the song feel a lot more windy and meandering than it actually is. Medford’s lyrics follow a similar path, laying out a pensive and self-conscious scenario at the start, but shifting into a chorus that sounds like a kinder, more rational part of her talking herself out of anxiety and shame. It’s quite sweet: “Every pair of scissors cuts a different shape.”
Buy it from Amazon.
11/3/18 4:33 pm
No mp3?!
(Wondering if this is a mistake, that’s all. Gratitude for all the fine music you post, especially in the age of streaming . . . )