February 22nd, 2018 1:30am

We Dive Into Devotion

Marit Larsen “The Sinking Game”

Marit Larsen’s solo debut Under the Surface was released in her native Norway in March of 2006, nearly eight months before Taylor Swift released her own debut in late October. Larsen and Swift’s aesthetics overlap a lot, particularly as Swift phased out the more overtly country rock elements of her debut in favor of the sort of hyper romantic, vaguely twee princess-y vibe Larsen was chasing from the start. I wonder if Swift ever actually encountered this music. It seems possible, but who knows. It’s just clear to me that on all the levels that truly matter – approach to melody and arrangement, lyrical fixations, an apparent fascination with fairy tale aesthetics – they are kindred spirits. But, like, Taylor Swift is one of the most famous pop stars in history, and Larsen is virtually unknown in the United States outside of being a member of the short-lived early ’00s teen pop duo M2M.

This is a shame, as I am certain that there are literally millions of people who would love her solo work – but especially Under the Surface – if they ever had the chance to hear it. “The Sinking Game” is a big favorite for me, and it’s a great example of the sort of earnestly romantic quasi-country rock she excels at making. It’s a very graceful piece of music, particularly during its instrumental bridge section, but it’s really a song about abandoning poise and allowing yourself to open yourself up to big, messy emotions. A lot of Larsen’s early songs describe love in somewhat passive terms, but this song is about willfully leaping into it. It sounds scary and joyful at the same time, and every breaking into the chorus feels like a dive into the unknown.

Buy it from Amazon.

RSS Feed for this postOne Response.
  1. mitya says:

    I always conflate Marit Larsen and Lene Marlin

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