February 12th, 2018 2:05am
Christmas Jumpers Lovely Noise
Fight Like Apes “Tie Me Up With Jackets”
Fight Like Apes were a silly and light-hearted band for the most part, but they had a way of sneaking moments of raw emotion into their hyperactive, shouty songs full of references to trash culture. It’s quite a trick, and it works mostly because MayKay Geraghty sang everything with a sort of radical vulnerability whether she was shouting about meatballs or karate or Beverly Hills 90210 or desperately needing to feel loved. I quite like how she uses lines about food and junk and bad smells and weird jokes as a way of grounding big emotions. It kills the idealized romance of it all, and places the feelings in a more down to earth setting – messy rooms, awkward poses, nervous conversation. In “Tie Me Up With Jackets,” she’s circling around a feeling a few times before shouting out the thing that’s really on her mind: “Lovely noise! Lovely noise that makes you love me!” It feels like she’s saying a lot more than she is. You know this is just the tip of the emotional iceberg.
Buy it from Amazon.