December 21st, 2017 4:06am

To Vision The Future

Sun Ra and His Astro Infinity Arkestra “Somebody Else’s World”

“Somebody Else’s World” is a message of hope and defiance written and recorded in 1969, a time as chaotic and scary as the one we’re living in right now. The lyrics, penned by Sun Ra and sung by June Tyson, are a refusal to believe in either a pessimistic outlook on the future or a vision of reality created by oppressive forces.

“Somebody else’s idea of somebody else’s world is not my idea of things as they are / somebody else’s idea of things to come need not be the only way to vision the future”

This song has been on my mind for over a year now, since after the election. The message of the song is incredibly resonant for me, and I believe this idea is important to hold on to when so many people on either side of the political divide seem incredibly invested in a bleak narrative that assumes the worst of the future. And of course, it’s easier to believe that the future’s been canceled, and we’re all powerless. It’s easier to buy into a story of doom when you have no imagination to see the potential for something else. It takes courage to tell other people that their vision of the future is not a fait accompli, and that we have better things in mind.

The music of “Somebody Else’s World” feels shaky and unstable, as though it could collapse at any moment. But despite that, June Tyson sings the words with great focus and conviction. She doesn’t sound angry. It’s more like someone standing their ground and stating a truth. It’s a correction, and a challenge. It’s a song of strength and dignity, and something I think we all need today.

Buy it from Amazon.

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