January 26th, 2017 5:26am

Might Not Know Why

Thundercat featuring Michael McDonald and Kenny Loggins “Show You the Way”

When I learned about this song I was like “wow, Thundercat got Michael McDonald and Kenny Loggins on a song?!?” And then I heard it, and you can hear Thundercat expressing the same thing in the song itself. What luck, right? This is how you know you’ve made it. This is how you find out that you are exceptionally smooth. This is one of your slickest bass lines going to Yacht Rock Heaven. So I’m of two minds about the kitschy announcements of each singer throughout the song: The joke is funny the first time, but not so much on repeat listens, and the schtick gets in the way of the vibe and sentiment of the music. But it comes from a place of very genuine joy and admiration and surprise and wonder, and who can blame this guy for being so hype about landing either of these dudes, let alone both of them? Certainly not I.

Buy it from Amazon.

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