July 26th, 2016 2:56am
Only The Very Best
Half Waif “Nest”
Nandi Rose Plunkett has a lovely voice, with a crisp vocal tone and refined inflection close to that of Annie Clark on the first two St. Vincent records. She could easily get by on the sheer prettiness of her voice, but she resists that all through her first record as Half Waif, twiddling the knobs to warp the texture and shape of it at sometimes unpredictable intervals. The distortion she puts on her voice doesn’t fall into typical categories of vocal manipulation – it’s not chopped and screwed, it’s not pitched up into chipmunk soul, it’s not off-the-rack vocoder or AutoTune stuff. It’s much more interesting and distinct, and a bit like when a good guitarist comes up with a particular distinguishing tone.
“Nest” shifts gracefully between delicate minimalism and carefully layered harmony in a way that evokes the contours and textures of a metallic sculpture. I can’t listen to it without imagining it as a shape, or in some moments, an absence of shape.
Buy it from Bandcamp.