July 18th, 2016 2:18am
Guess We Better Find A New Planet
Jamila Woods featuring Donnie Trumpet “Breadcrumbs”
This song seems to make two arguments: First, that memory is a flawed and fragile thing that could slip away from us at any time. Second, that memories are only tether to our shared past and must be considered precious things. Jamila Woods’ perspective skips around a timeline through the song, but the one thought that’s fixed to a future point is the request to leave her a trail of breadcrumbs to guide her back. Back to this moment, back to this feeling, back to this time and place. Back to this very well used Stereolab sample. Back to these lovely trumpet solos from Donnie Trumpet. Back to this feeling of connection with someone new that somehow seems to extend back to the start of her life. Back to a heartbreaking memory of her grandparents that is also so beautiful and kind and pure that it makes you believe in love.
Get the album for free from Jamila Woods’ Soundcloud page.