April 4th, 2016 12:31pm
Slow Motion Discussion
Sales “Ivy”
The sound of “Ivy” is fragile and tentative, conveying the feeling of attempting to communicate someone without disrupting some delicate emotional equilibrium. Lauren Morgan’s words sketch out a vague narrative – she’s concerned about Ivy’s insecurity, there’s some indication of submissive sexuality, a desire to subsume all her needs, and a breakdown in communication. She leaves you wanting more details, but immediately recognizing the feeling of wanting to repair something that was probably never actually working. The one time Morgan sounds totally certain in this song is when she sings “the distance between us, the size of a planet.” It’s a very intimate song, but that’s a bit ironic as it’s really about yearning for a deeper intimacy or lamenting an intimacy that’s gradually disappeared.
Buy it from Bandcamp.