January 7th, 2016 1:26pm

C’mon Hey Hey Hey

DJ Paypal “Slim Trak”

DJ Paypal’s music comes out of the Chicago footwork tradition, which is another way of saying it’s so fast and frenetic that it’s hard to imagine anyone but the most athletic people dancing to it. A lot of that stuff can be difficult to hear out of context, and I say that as a person who strongly favors fast tempos – there’s often just a sonic whiplash effect, and an obnoxiousness factor that isn’t far removed from a lot of musically similar drum n bass and dubstep. DJ Paypal’s stuff goes down smoother without sacrificing the key elements of the style, and I think a lot of that comes down to avoiding cheap edit effects and having a solid sense of musicality and harmony. “Slim Trak” is ultimately a frenzied samba, and it comes out sounding like a weird dream version of Brazilian music where it’s all slightly wrong and surreal in your memory. It also requires little to no context – it works as pop music on its own terms, and having any awareness of footwork or any sort of Brazilian music is just a bonus to anyone’s experience with it.

Buy it from Amazon.

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