October 12th, 2015 1:27am
A Voice I Must Obey
Electric Six “Two Dollar Two”
One of the best things about Dick Valentine is the obvious delight he gets from sicking like a fucking badass. There’s always several layers of irony in what Electric Six does, but as much as he’s mocking the fragile artifice of American masculinity, that hamminess is 100% real. I think that’s a lot of why I find this band so compelling – they really love what they do and embrace the inherent ridiculousness of ego and bluster. Even if it’s based in stupidity, there’s something admirable about creating an identity for yourself that’s based in swagger and pride. “Two Dollar Two” is a great showcase for the power of Valentine’s voice and his incredible commitment to the bit. Remember when Courtney Love sang “I fake it so real I am beyond fake?” That’s him now, though given his obsession with poking holes in a macho front, maybe he’s actually faking it to un-make it.
Buy it from Amazon.