September 25th, 2014 11:39am
New-Phase Gregorian Chants For Now People
Laetitia Sadier “Quantum Soup”
For a long time I had assumed that the instrumental side of Stereolab’s songwriting was dominated by Tim Gane, but Laetitia Sadier’s solo records indicate that she was either a lot more hands on with that sort of thing in that band, or she internalized their rhythms and aesthetics so much that she naturally writes that way when left to her own devices. This isn’t to say that you can’t tell the difference. Sadier’s music on her own are considerably more relaxed and less busy, and escape the airless, schematic quality of Gane’s work. “Quantum Soup,” the opening track on her new album Something Shines, sounds like a far looser version of late period Stereolab – the telltale sounds are there, but it seems to float on a breeze, and the trajectory of the composition is intuitive and jazzy.
Buy it from Amazon.